Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Where has the month gone??
Have fun Quilting!!!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Quilting Commandments
1. Thou shalt not covet your best friend's Stash!
2. Thou shalt not point out missing points.
3. Thou shalt not rotary cut whilst tired.
4. Thou shalt read directions BEFORE cutting!
5. Thou shalt obey the copyright laws.
6. Thou shalt not make suggestions about how you would have done it differently when a friend shows you her newly completed quilt.
7. Thou shalt measure twice, cut once.
8. Thou shalt honor thy quilts by giving them only in love and not out of a sense of obligation.
9. Thou shalt share your quilting tips with others!
10. Thou shalt ALWAYS close the cover on the rotary blade between cuts.
11. Thou shalt always feel honored to help a beginner.
12. Thou shalt not be anally-retentive about being perfect. The corollary: thou shalt observe the "Galloping Horse at 10 Miles Away" rule for judging perfection.
13. Thou shalt always have UFO's to brighten your life.
14. Thou shalt always budget so that fabric is a priority.
15. Thou shalt always measure for borders through the center of the quilt to the opposite raw edges.
16. Thou shalt always have at least three quilting projects going.
17. Thou shalt NOT turn up thy nose at another's restoration project, no matter how dirty or smelly. Remember, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". A family quilt WILL BE a beautiful heirloom to them once again, when completed.
18. Thou shalt do charity quilts with pleasure of giving.
19. Thou shalt change the needle in the machine when it's so dull it won't penetrate the fabric.
20. Thou shalt always practice safe rotary cutting; cutting with the rotary blade going away from your body.
21. Thou shalt make it such that every stitch is made with love.
22. Thou shalt follow thine inspirations, no matter what anyone says.
23. Thou shalt support thine Local Fabric Store.
24. Thou shalt use thine scraps to make quilts for charity, so that those less fortunate may know the joy of sleeping beneath a quilt.
25. Thou shalt spread The Word to youth and elders alike, converting all you can to The Way of Quilting.
26. Thou shalt oil thy sewing machine.
27. Thou shalt use paper scissors for paper and fabric scissors for fabric.
28. Thou shalt share all knowledge with other quilters.
29. Thou shalt understand that there is an exception to every quilting rule.
30. Thou shalt give thyself permission to be unique, creative, and innovative.
31. Thou shalt understand that there is no such thing as an ugly quilt.
32. Thou shalt not skimp on buying many quality quilting fabrics, as they are the pallet of thine art.
33. Thou shalt not deny a cat a nap on any quilt or pile of fabric.
34. Thou shalt not sit on a quilt, as thou might poppeth thy stitching.
35. Thou shalt always label thy quilts.
36. Thou shalt challenge thyself to trying something different.
37. Thou shalt enjoy the process.
38. Thou shalt not neglect thy friends and family by being over-ambitious in quilting. Too much, anyway.
39. Thou shalt not fault thy husband for not knowing a selvage from a bias, especially if he is supplying the stash cash.
40. Thou shalt change the machine needle often.
41. Thou shalt not count anything under a yard as "fabric on hand" when asked why the stash is building.
42. Thou shalt not impersonate the Quilt Police.
43. As ye sew, so shalt ye rip. (OK, not a law but certainly worth remembering.)
44. Thou shalt honor your deepest creative impulse and express your true vision.
45. Thou shalt challenge yourself and others to try new colors, styles, skills that we may learn from each other.
46. Thou shalt not presew a seam without thread in the bobbin.
47. Thou shalt not show jealousy towards others' quilts or quilting abilities.
48. Thou shalt "press", not "iron".
49. Thou shalt be creative in hiding the size of your stash.
50. Thou shalt plan your quilt well so thou can relax and enjoy the making of the quilt.
51. Thou shalt practice/warm up your hand and/or machine quilting before making a pitiful mess.
52. Thou shalt put down your work and go to sleep shortly after your eyes have crossed.
53. Thou shalt not make obscene gestures at the quilt police. Learn the rules, then adapt them to suit yourself.
54. Thou shalt cherish the love and satisfaction in every stitch.
55. Thou shalt not horde UFOS, as they become NFOS (never finished objects), but thou shalt give them away to someone who will finish them for charity quilts.
56. Thou shalt feed thy family at least one(1) home cooked meal a week while trying to get that quilt done for the show.
57. Thou shalt stop quilting at least once a month and wave thy duster around (it only needs 5 minutes).
58. Thou shalt keep a quilt journal to remember where thy quilts have gone.
59. Thou shalt stop quilting at least once a month and wave thy duster around (it only needs 5 minutes).
60. Thou shalt keep a quilt journal to remember where thy quilts have gone.
61. Thou shalt learn new and creative ways to say "Oh no, honey. That fabric isn't new. I've had it a long time...."
62. Thou shalt not answer a compliment with "Oh it's easy". Especially one from thy son-in-laws who cannot imagine putting all those pieces together.
63. Thou shalt be creative in hiding the size of your stash.
64. Thou shalt ensure that all thine creations go to a loving home.
65. Thou shalt not pass judgment on those who use thine quilts in ways other than what you intended.
66. Thou shalt remember, "Done is better than Perfect".
67. Thou shalt honor thy stash by having SEX often. (note for the uninitiated: SEX = "Stash Enhancing eXpeditions")
68. Thou shalt refuse to allow the Quilt Police into your sewing room.
69. Thou shalt not agonize so much over planning thine quilt that thou canst not enjoy the quilt-making process.
70. Thou shalt remember that stars in the sky are merely circles with no points, and as such, stars in quilts do not require points. (hey, if ya don't believe me, look at Van Gogh's Starry Night, not a single blooming point in that painting!)
71. Thou shalt not criticize the quilter, lest she become wrathful and poke you with a seam ripper!
72. Thou shalt pick up all pins that have been dropped so that thy dearest family members don't step on them.
73. Thou shalt not use the selvages in any quilt.
74. Thou shalt jointh all the swaps thee little heart desires.
75. Thou shalt giveth freely any good quilting tips.
76. Thou shalt not be too critical of oneself. Perfection can only be aspired to, never attained.
77. Thou shalt practice moderation in all areas of thine life--except quilting!
78. Thou shalt always have at least 4 ideas on your "my next quilt will be" list....
79. Thou shalt build an ark, and thou shalt fill it with two bolts each of every colourway of every pattern of every fabric line of every manufacturer.
80. Thou shalt keep your collection of quilting books smaller than that of the local library.
81. Thou shalt finish all swaps and be in the mail by the deadline.
82. Thou shalt swap only 'good' fabric.
83. Thou shalt use at least one 'ugly' in a quilt top, thee will be surprised at the look.
84. Thou shalt not make a quilt without making a note of where the pattern came from.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Link Tags
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Ironing Board Tutorial
¾ inch plywood
Insul-Brite (4 inches larger on all sides of your plywood)
Batting (exactly the size of your plywood)
Canvas fabric
Staple gun & staples
NOTE: The ironing board hubby is making
for me is 22 inches x 61 inches which will fit the drawers I have. The ironing board will sit
on top of them.
Prepare your plywood. You may need to sand it a little. The plywood hubby bought didn't need anything done to it, which was nice. We bought it at Lowe's and they cut it for us to the measurements we needed. (I really love Lowe's for doing that!)
1. As you can see, I'm going to place my batting into the plywood. I used a 'high-loft' batting (Fig. 1). Make sure you push out any wrinkles. Hubby then stapled the batting to the sides of the plywood, making sure everything was smooth from all sides. (Fig. 2)
3. I then cut off any extra batting along the side of the plywood. Notice on the left side, I haven't cut any of the extra off yet. (And yes, Martha got into the picture too.) (Fig. 3)
4. This is what my ironing board looks like so far with batting attached. Onward to the Insul-Brite!! Ü (Fig. 4)
5. We put the Insul-Brite on next with the shiny side up. Once more we put the Insul-Brite only on the top and sides of the plywood. (Fig 5) This can be rather tedious, and be done with at least 2 people and keep an eye out for any wrinkles.
6. Next we placed the canvas fabric onto the Insul-Brite, again making sure there are no wrinkles. This fabric we place over the sides and onto the back of the plywood. This will keep the fabric from bunching up on the sides. (fig.6)
7. And there you have it!!!! I LOVE my new ironing board. As you know I have limited space for sewing so I have to make everything work in a little space. The drawers below my new ironing board were bought at Walmart. I have 8 long drawers, 2 small drawers, 2 deep/tall small drawers, 2 medium/tall drawers. Hubby built them up so that I have a cubby hole to hold my cutting mat. (fig. 7)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Sorry for Delays
Our weather here has been wonderful. We hit the 80's this week and are looking forward to higher temps this weekend.
Happy Quilting!!!
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A Year in Words Wall Hanging Club!6 years ago
FQS Quilt Along Month Four6 years ago
Great Grandma Bobbi's Quilt6 years ago
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